Cadastre And Addresses

Cadastre and addresses

Cadastre, interchangeable with Parcel
Cadastral area boundary is a line layer that is spatially represented, consisting of data representing legal land parcels in every state and territory.

An address is a street number, when used in combination with other address components such as the road name and locality. New and amended addresses are updated daily and weekly.

Road Casings
Road casings contain data related to roads and their boundaries within the cadastre system. This includes detailed information such as precise delineations of the boundaries of roads and streets within the cadastre system, road classifications such as highways, local roads, residential streets, road alignments including geospatial data representing the centreline of roads and road network connectivity indicating how roads are interconnected within the cadastre, including intersections, junctions, and access points.

Administrative Boundary
Administrative boundary data contains the spatial authoritative boundary information in every state and territory, covering administrative areas and aligned with the State’s cadastre. It includes local governments, local government wards, localities (suburbs), townsites, land districts, port authorities, marine parks and reserves, infrastructure corridors, water control areas, state forests, Native Title claims, and state electoral districts and regions.

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