
Victoria Planning Maps

Working with any council in Victoria is no easy feat. The more information you have at hand, the more likely your submission will be approved.

Whether you’re a developer, architect, town planner, builder, or simply a potential homeowner, Landchecker’s Vic Planning Maps is one of those essential tools in property development that gives you access to a plethora of important information about the area, from the people, through to topographical features, resources and infrastructure.

Here at Landchecker, we can provide you with thorough data on any property around Victoria, to help you make insight-driven decisions that lead to success.

Working with Vic Planning Maps

Have you ever dealt with one of the 79 local councils in Victoria? Each one has the power to set their own regulations and rules, which is a lot to get your head around. Our Vic Planning Maps cut through the noise to give you the access to the information you need for a streamlined build.

Working with Vic Planning Maps

This includes elements such as permits, heritage listing and zoning information, allowing you oversight on what has been approved in the area to streamline your own build. You may even simply be a potential homeowner wanting to know if the house is right for you. With Landchecker, you can take a look at all the nearby schools local to the Victorian property to help you make an informed decision.

Here’s some of the key features of our planning maps:

    Unique web application: you can configure your specific planning map and efficiently share a Vic property report in PDF form with colleagues and business partners to create a seamless workflow.

    Additional layers: Landchecker is one of the only Vic applications where planning maps are displayed with additional layers, such as high-resolution imagery.

    Identify heritage: one of our leading features is the ability to identify areas in Victoria that carry a heritage overlay, so you can make quick decisions on whether the property is right for you.

Get Planning

If you’re hoping to save time and resources and get the most out of your next investment, then Landchecker’s Vic Planning Maps is an essential tool for taking the guesswork out of all decision-making and streamlining your plans through council.

If you’re interested in using Landchecker for business or personal interest, discover our plans or get in touch with our team to further discuss the possibilities of Landchecker.