Company News

Permit filtering by keyword is now available on Landchecker

Landchecker has streamlined its permit filtering functionality even further for member convenience. With the added option of entering a ‘keyword’, customers can now search for planning permits within a prescribed category, as well as within selected dates. In effect, the map displays a more refined visual of properties that have an approved, pending or rejected planning permit, using the traffic light system Landchecker customers are already familiar with. Of course, the existing layering functionality contributes to this comprehensive snapshot.

For customers’ convenience, the Landchecker application continues to eliminate the tedious process of accessing information through councils. In one single search, customers can narrow down relevant properties in their planning permit evaluation that meet the ‘keyword’ criteria, and instantly visualise their search results on the map. No need for navigating through different resources – this functionality gives a full picture of the potential and limitations of property development in the local area. A property developer might want to get an idea of current planning permits for ‘subdivisions’ in the outer-eastern suburbs before pursuing a project. Property investors, in conducting thorough due diligence, might search for home ‘extensions’ that have recently been permitted in a suburb like East Melbourne that has a rich heritage overlay.

To maximise your own property potential within the planning restrictions of your local council, simply tap into the centralised and up-to-date permit data through Landchecker’s application. The latest keyword iteration just adds that next layer of filtering to make your search quick and seamless.

To experience the complete Landchecker application, including permit filtering, please click here to view our plans.