
How to Perform Land And Title Searches in Queensland

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If you are a prospective property investor, developer, real estate agent, valuer, architect (or similar), it’s highly likely you’ll need to perform a Title Search (or multiple searches) for specific properties.

This kind of property search is particularly useful when there is a need to check current property ownership, determine planning applications, discover possible limitations such as caveats/easements, mortgages and to conduct overall due diligence prior to actioning a project or offer/purchase.

Although Title Searches are a national requirement within Australia, they are specific to each state, and therefore Title Searches will provide varying information compared to NSW or VIC, for example.

What’s included in a Title Search:

Queensland is one of the most exhaustive states in terms of Title Search data, and if you want to perform a Register Search Statement (Title also known as a Title Search) in Queensland, the information you receive will include:

Land Description(this is standard across all states within Australia)
Such as the lot/plan number, location of the property in questions, dimensions and land imagery/diagrams.

Type of Ownership
This information pertains to if the property has a sole owner, multiple or is owned by a company and so on.

Registered Owner Details and Associated Dealings
Associated dealings refer to items such as a mortgage, lease or easement. A title can have multiple associated dealings (also known as “instruments”), and these will be indicated on a QLD Title Search.

Easements, Encumbrances & Interests
This section includes information such as legal responsibilities and interests for a party/parties besides the registered owner. An example of an encumbrance may be an easement limitation such as shared access to a driveway on the property.

Administrative Advices
Administrative advice on Title Searches indicate interests on the title impacting the land. For example, heritage status or a vegetation notice.

Unregistered Dealings
Advisements on any matter relating to the title that has been lodged/awaiting registration.

How to Perform a QLD Title Search:

State land registries hold title information and authorised providers like Landchecker enable quick, easy and reliable searches of title information digitally (since Queensland adheres to the paperless electronic process known as “100% eConveyancing”).

All you need to do conduct a Register Search on Landchecker is the property address or the lot/plan.

Then, choose Map View and:

1. Enter the address or click on the property map

2. Select the “Documents” tab on the property info panel

3. Choose the document from the list

Or via

App Navigation:

1. Click on the “Document Searches” tab in the app Navigation Bar (next to the Map tab)

2. Select QLD as the state and search the address in the dropdown criteria

From here, you can add to cart and checkout. The cost for the Title document is just $33.30, and for that small price you’ll have all the information on hand to help you make your property decisions with confidence.

It will be made instantly available to you for immediate download!

For your Title Search needs, Landchecker offers the fastest source for up-to-date property information (and you’ll also find lots of other detailed property information available for use on the site).

Next Steps:

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How to Perform Land And Title Searches in QueenslandHow to Perform Land And Title Searches in Queensland