Product Help

How to use the project sharing function

Landchecker makes it easier for you to manage and share your portfolio with your team through the Projects tool. Here's how to share a project from the left-hand side panel of your screen under the layers menu.

1. Select projects

Click on the projects icon, which is located on the left side of your screen in the layers panel, down the bottom of the menu.


2. View existing projects

All your existing projects will pop up inside the layers panel.

3. Select share

Choose a project to share, click on the kebab icon (vertical three dots) and you will be presented with the option to “edit”, “share”, “archive” or “delete” your project. Select “share”


4. Edit share options

You will be directed to a new popup dialogue, titled “Share Project”. From here, select your team member(s) or add email address of team member(s) as instructed. You can also remove members you no longer want to share with.

5. Save share edits

Simply click “share” to save all edits made.
