Your Suburb In A Snapshot:

When you’re looking to buy a new home, you’ll want to get a good feel for the suburb. Afterall, you’re not just investing in the property itself - you’re investing in a lifestyle, a locality, and community.

So factors like a suburb’s demographics, property types and average mortgage become influential in the average consumer’s purchasing decision.

Suburb Profiles contain such data that is helpful in determining whether a suburb is the right fit for you at this stage of your property journey.

Landchecker provides customers with a handy snapshot of any selected suburb in Australia. Key data sets are easily digestible at a glance. Simply enter your suburb into the search bar and access your Suburb Profile instantly.

What you get:

    Demographics: population, average age and distribution, employment type, median weekly income, and the methods of transportation to work

    Property information: number of bedrooms, tenure type, property types, median monthly mortgage repayments, median weekly rental payments, average number of bedrooms per dwelling, average number of people per household, household composition, family composition

    Planning zones

How you get it:




Data is presented visually and simply for your convenience

How it can benefit you:


Get a sense of the people and character of a suburb; property types and mortgage rates indicate affordability

Real Estate Agents and Investors:

Tap into growth suburbs; understand property and population trends in a concentrated area.

Developers and Planners:

Gain a visual understanding of planning zones as outlined on the map to evaluate planning potential; assess property types for project suitability


Measure property value using median mortgage data

Suburb Profiles give customers the context they need to make their property decisions with confidence.