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Property data in one place - for faster, insight-driven decisions.

API members can trial Landchecker for free for 10 days and are eligible for a 10% discount off our Professional Plans**

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Fast, detailed property information

Property developers and builders require detailed property data all in one place to make fast, informed decisions.

    Site data – planning, land size, permits

    High resolution aerial imagery

    Sales data

    Titles and plans



Having access to all this property information in one place is invaluable, from sales data, to planning information and permits. The Landchecker map is very easy to use.

Dane Carruthers – CBRE


Landchecker is a powerful informative tool that I have been using for the past four years and is a staple within my day-to-day activities. Landchecker provides a one stop location for property research and valuation professionals. I would highly recommend incorporating this tool as part of your business.

Briony Stephen – Matheson Stephen Valuations

Watch a five minute demonstration here

**Terms and conditions: Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer redeemable once per practice/organisation, including those with more than one Institute member. Practice/organisations with existing Landchecker plans are exempt from this offer.